It’s a road trip! What is a better way to pass the time on a long road trip than playing games! Road trip games are the best way to pass time on long or short road trips. Games are not only fun, but they can also help you and your family or friends get to know each other better and add more joy to your fun road trip. Playing some fun car games also help to break up the monotony of driving without adding stress to an already stressful situation. You’ll keep all your passengers happy…and awake!
Let us break out the road trip games! Do you have a long drive ahead? Here are 20 games to play in your car. Whether you’re traveling with kids or adults, these games will keep everyone entertained and help make the miles fly by. The best part is, they take up no space at all – just use your imagination and creativity! Get ready for some serious fun on your next adventure, with these games for the road.
- 20 Fun Road Trip Games to Play in the Car
- 1) The Singing Game
- 2) Guess The Song
- 3) I'm going on a picnic, and I'm bringing
- 4) The Alphabet Game
- 5) What’s Missing?
- 6) I’m Not Telling
- 7) Lucky Number Game
- 8) Would You Rather?
- 9) Alphabet Guessing Game
- 10) What’s Your Story?
- 11) License Plate Game
- 12) 20 Questions
- 13) Past, Present, and Future
- 14) I Spy
- 15) Storytelling
- 16) Who am I?
- 17) Quotation Mania
- 18) What's in the bag?
- 19) Get to Know You
- 20) Two Truths and a Lie
- Road trip games for couples
- Road trip games for two
- Road trip games no equipment
- Road trip games for kids
- Road trip games for families
- Homemade road trip games
20 Fun Road Trip Games to Play in the Car
1) The Singing Game
Participants in this game have a blast singing and making up songs together. It is the perfect activity for a fun road trip to do with kids as it involves both singing and music creation. What more could you ask for?

How to play the singing game:
The best way to play this game is as a group activity, where all of the participants have some starting point and must sing on succeeding words or notes.
Who can play the singing game:
Kids, adults, and even couples can all play the singing game.
2) Guess The Song
It is an activity that will surely give you a good laugh. The game tests your knowledge of music and lyrics!
Put on Spotify, radio, or your favorite music playlist and see who can guess what song is playing from the clues. If they get it right, then that person wins! It works best when played by two teams.

How to play guess the song game:
A round of music starts, and each member takes turns guessing what song it is before time runs out. The team or person that recognizes the song correctly gets points!
Who can play guess the song game:
Anyone with an average knowledge of popular music (and lyrics) can participate in this game, including Road Trip Games enthusiasts.
3) I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing
It is a simple but hilarious game for a fun road trip that will have everyone roaring with laughter. The rules are very straightforward, and all you need is some paper to write the names of different foods on!

How to Play the Picnic Game:
One person starts by saying, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing…” then they fill in the blank with other food.
The second person would say, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing…” then they fill in the blank with another food that starts with the last letter of the previous food.
Who can play the Picnic Game:
This game is for all ages, and it’s a great way to get kids into Road Trip Games. The more they practice playing, the better their social skills will be!
4) The Alphabet Game
This game is another classic that will never get old.

How to play the alphabet game:
Players take turns saying the alphabet, and each player must say a word that starts with the letter they land on when it’s their turn. If you have trouble thinking of words in time, try this trick – think about an object or category beginning with that letter. For example, if the letter is “N,” you might think of a noodle or an animal that starts with N!
Who can play the alphabet game:
Anyone who knows how to count from 0-26 and recognize letters of the alphabet can join in on this game. Kids will love it when they get older because their vocabulary is sure to grow!
5) What’s Missing?
This game is a great way to keep your child’s mind sharp, and it’s enjoyable on long or short car rides!

How to play the what is missing game:
As you are driving, pick an object that the players will see along the way, such as a stop sign or traffic light. Everyone has to think of three different instances where they have seen this item before (i.e., school, home, etc.). Once everyone has given their responses, make them guess which one is missing from the list!
Who can play the what is missing game:
This game works best for kids because they will understand the concept of giving examples.
6) I’m Not Telling
It is a fun and engaging road trip game for kids of all ages. It’s also great if you’re playing with adults because it will help them develop their memory!

How to play the I am not telling game:
One player starts by saying something like: “I’m going on an adventure!” Then the next person has to repeat what was said before adding something new. The game goes on like this until someone messes up and says something that was already said!
Who can play the I am not telling game:
This is a great road trip game for kids because they will love seeing how long their memory lasts!
7) Lucky Number Game
This game is sure to make any car ride fly by because it tests your knowledge, speed, and agility!

How to play the lucky number game:
Players take turns saying a number. Whoever says the next “lucky” number wins that round! If you accidentally say an incorrect number or go too slow, then you lose for that turn. The player with the most wins when playing this game is declared the winner.
Who can play the lucky number game:
This Road Trip Game for Kids will keep them on their toes! Stick to counting by ones or twos to make it less confusing and easy for younger players.
8) Would You Rather?
It is a classic road trip game that you can play with friends or family. It’s also a great way to keep your child entertained!

How to play the would you gather game:
One player starts by saying something like, “Would you rather eat 1000 hot dogs in one minute or drink an entire bottle of ketchup?” The other person has to answer and then ask their question. Make sure that the questions aren’t too challenging because some players may not understand them!
Who can play the would you gather game:
This game is best for kids at least three years old or older because they can comprehend more challenging questions.
9) Alphabet Guessing Game
This road trip game for kids will help them learn new words and how to spell!

How to play the alphabet guessing game:
One player starts by thinking of a word, ensuring that it begins with the letter “A.” The other person has to guess what the first word is. Make sure not too many people are playing, so you don’t get overwhelmed! Continue going around in a circle until someone guesses the word.
Who can play the alphabet guessing game:
This game works best for kids at least four years old or older because they can spell even longer words!
10) What’s Your Story?
It is an enjoyable road trip game that helps players develop their imagination and creativity. It’s also a great way to pass the time!

How to play what is your story:
One player starts by thinking of something that happened in their life, such as going on vacation. Everyone else has to ask them questions about what was said so they can figure out how it ends! The first person has to say whether or not they want someone’s question to be included in the story.
Who can play what is your story:
This is a great road trip game for kids because it will keep them entertained as you drive! Make sure that they are old enough to understand what’s going on and how to tell stories, which is usually at least six years of age or older.
11) License Plate Game
It’s a valuable road trip game because it will keep you entertained while also teaching your child how to spell!

How to play license plate game:
One player starts by thinking of a state that begins with the letter “A.” The other person has to guess which one they are thinking of. Continue going around in a circle until someone guesses correctly. Whoever guesses correctly will be the winner.
Who can play license plate game:
License Plate is a great road trip game for kids because it will help them understand how to spell!
12) 20 Questions
20 Questions is a great game for family road trips to keep your child’s mind sharp while traveling long or short distances!

How to play 20 questions:
One player thinks of an object. The other players then take turns asking yes/no questions to try and figure out what the task is before time runs out. If you have trouble thinking of questions, try to include details that narrow down the possibilities.
Who can play 20 questions:
This game works well with any age and is an excellent way for kids to learn how to think outside the box! The more creative they get with their questions, the better chance they have at winning. It’s also one of those games where you might learn something new!
13) Past, Present, and Future
Play this game while in the car to keep your child’s mind sharp and keep him entertained during long or short journeys!

How to play past, present and future:
Think of something in the past (i.e., yesterday). The other person has to think of something that happens before what you said, such as last week. Then the third person has to think of something that happens after what you said. It’s like a game of clues!
Who can play past, present and future :
This game works well with any age and is one kid will enjoy playing for years to come – especially when they get older because their vocabulary will be getting bigger every time they play it! The more creative they are with their answers, the better chance they have at winning.
14) I Spy
Playing this car ride game on a long or short driving trip will keep your child’s mind active and keep them sharp!

How to play I spy:
One person picks an object that everyone else has to spy. Then the player thinks of three clues for their friends, giving them a chance to guess what the object is before time runs out. If you have trouble thinking of clues, try to include details about the object that narrow down your options.
Who can play I spy:
A fun game for kids of any age and teaches them to think outside the box! The more creative they get with their answers, the better chance they have at winning it. It’s also one of those games where you might learn something new!
15) Storytelling
People of all ages will enjoy playing this fun and engaging game. You’ll never get tired of playing this classic game.

How to play storytelling:
One player starts telling a story. The other players then take turns adding their part (i.e., chapter) of the story as they go along. It may begin simple, but it will be sure to get more interesting as you go!
Who can play storytelling:
This game works well with any age and is an excellent way for kids to learn how to think outside the box.
16) Who am I?
This game is a great way to get everyone involved and keep them engaged. It tests your knowledge of music, movies, TV shows, books… basically anything you can think of!

How to play who am I:
The first person starts by saying “I’m from the ___series” where they fill in the blank with something they like. The next person must guess what that is, and then they say “I’m from the ___series.”
Who can play who am I:
This game works best when played by small groups of people who have a wide range of knowledge of different topics! It’s also fun if you’re looking for some good laughs with your family or friends.
17) Quotation Mania
It is a slightly different car ride game because it uses quotations and proverbs!
When someone finishes saying the proverb or quote, they must go in order. It’s an easy way to practice your knowledge of famous quotations without having to do any research.

How to play quotation mania:
One person starts by saying, “You know you’ve been playing too much when…” then they fill in the blank with a proverb. The other person would say, “You know you’ve been playing too much when…” and must finish the sentence with another proverb that starts with the last letter of the previous quote or proverb.
Who can play quotation mania:
This game is great for fun Road Trip Games enthusiasts of all ages. Parents can play this with their kids, and the whole family will enjoy it!
18) What’s in the bag?
It is a car ride game that everyone will surely love. It tests your observation skills and creativity! You can play this with kids or even by yourself, making it perfect when you’re on the go in a car.

How to Play what is in the bag:
One person starts by placing an object inside of their bag. The next person has to guess what is inside of the bag by asking questions like “is it bigger than a bread box?” or “is it smaller than my hand?”
Who can play what is in the bag:
This Road Trip Game is great for kids and adults alike, especially when you’re on the go! You don’t even need to follow a set of rules, so even when you’re in the car it’s easy to play!
19) Get to Know You
This game is ideal for families who want to get to know their kids better while having fun at the same time.

How to play get to know you:
The rules are very straightforward – each person writes three things about themselves on a piece of paper.
The papers are collected, and the first person reads the first fact out loud, then follows with another player who has to guess who wrote it by asking Yes-No questions! The players have to take turns to guess until they figure out whose is whose.
Who can play get to know you:
This game works best for kids and adults, and anyone can play it – perfect for Road Trip Games!
20) Two Truths and a Lie
This game is perfect for getting to know your fellow Road Trip Games enthusiasts. It tests skills in social awareness, memory recall, quick thinking, creativity, deduction ability, and more!

How to play two truths and a lie:
The point of the game is that everyone has to share three statements about themselves, two are truths, and one is a lie. Then everyone else has the task of figuring out which one is false.
Who can play two truths and a lie:
It’s great for groups who want to get better acquainted with each other on a fun road trip! This game is a fun activity for all ages, and it’s a fun way to learn about your fellow Road Trip Games enthusiasts.
I hope you learned something new and now have a few ideas to help make your next road trip more fun. If you liked any of the games we mentioned, tell me in the comment section below which one is your favorite! Happy traveling everyone!
Road trip games for couples
- The singing game
- Storytelling
- Guess the song
- What’s your story
Road trip games for two
- Guess the song
- What’s in the bag
- Quotation mania
- What’s missing
Road trip games no equipment
- What’s in the bag
- Quotation mania
- What’s missing
- Get to know you
- Two Truths and Lie
- I spy
- The singing game
- Storytelling
- What’s your story
Road trip games for kids
- The Alphabet Game
- Alphabet Guessing Game
- What’s in the bag
- 20 Questions
Road trip games for families
- The singing game
- Storytelling
- Guess the song
- What’s your story
- Two truths and a lie
- I spy
Homemade road trip games
- What’s in the bag
- Quotation mania
- What’s missing
- Storytelling
Pin Road Trip Games for Your Future Trips