Full time midwife and part time traveler, Ludivine from France but currently settled in Auckland, New Zealand, started travelling at the age of 8. It is traveling that brought her to New Zealand. During a dancing trip in Canada in 2004, she met Maori people who amazed her with their culture- she instantly fell in love with their dances and songs. Since then, she had always wanted to settle down in New Zealand and visited for the first time in 2016 and she later came back on a working holiday visa in 2017, following her dream. It didn’t work out first landing with the work permit as her profession needed her to get registered to be able to practice. After a month, she went back home studying English for the registration and came back a year later and settled for good (or at least for a few years) in Auckland in 2019.

“Traveling has been in my life since the age of 8, when I was part of a dancing company. We went to Canada to participate to a dancing festival. First journey in a foreign country. I met people from all over the world, discovered many different cultures… I was amazed by this diversity. I wanted to keep traveling to discover more and more. Then photography came into my life. I started to open my mind to Nature as well, and I wanted to see more and more of this beautiful planet, it’s landscapes, it’s widlife and it’s people. And keep memories of what I had seen and the emotions I had felt, and share this to you.”
“My theme is photography. I would like to keep doing photography because it brought me so much in my life. And maybe grow more and more, and build a small business in the future. My website is being processed, where I will showcase my photos, and sell my photos. For now traveling is quite complicated. I know borders are reopening, I do not know for how long, but I am in a situation where I cannot travel out of New Zealand (except to visit my family soon I hope), or I would not be able to come back. Somehow, it makes me see more of New Zealand, which is amazing.”
A professional photographer, Ludi features her Instagram gallery with stunning landscape and wildlife photography from all corners of New Zealand.
“My best experience was in Burkina Faso. I went there as a student midwife to work in a local free clinic. It was the most difficult experience but also the most beautiful I have ever had. I come from a developed country and had the chance to grow up in a wonderful environment. Even though I had traveled in developing countries before, I lived 24/7 with the locals, witnessed the poverty, the difficulties they have on a daily basis, but also their strentgh facing those difficulties, because that have no choice but to live and survive. I also got the Malaria there. I was not as sick as the locals would be, because I got a preventive treatment and the symptoms were less intense. But I realised Somehow, they were happy for me to experience that, so I could realise that they are living with this threat all year long during their whole life, with the risk to die from it at any time because of the lack of money, treatment…or chance to have grown up in a developed country I will always remember all of these people I lived and worked with. Especially one of them. Every morning, she brought me breakfast at work. She had a whole family to support, she had nothing to give, yet she gave me everything. This person will always be in my heart and in my mind. This experience has been amazing professionally speaking but even more on the personal aspect.”