A soulful solo traveler, Lamara got into travelling since she went on a school trip to Italy at the age of 16 which she recalls as her first flight experience. Her passion has also met with her profession, she now has a degree in tourism. She is technically a travel specialist, but haven’t yet used her degree in the tourism industry apart from a couple of jobs in the USA and Australia. She doesn’t travel full time, but blogs for a hobby now always trying to travel when she can. She works seasonal jobs so she can travel somewhere new during off peak times, which according to her is a bonus as things tend to be cheaper then. She is a promoter of solo travelling and let us see why.

“I travel because I enjoy new experiences and it helps to develop my confidence. I sometimes feel trapped at home so am constantly itching to explore new places and get myself out there. Going solo is one of the best things you can do to grow yourself and become a much more confident person. Go back 5 years and I was a quiet person who would refuse to go anywhere alone without a friend for support. Now I can happily go to the opposite side of the world without any bother.”
“At the moment I just blog as a hobby to share my travel experiences with everyone.
I mainly focus on budget solo travel, but cover anything from my personal travel stories to bucket lists. It would be great in the long term for it to take off and potentially make some money or be sponsored to go on epic trips that I could write about.
So here’s hoping!”
“If there’s one thing that I’ve learnt from travelling solo it’s that nobody cares. It’s easy to feel paranoid when wondering the streets of a city alone and feel that everyone is judging you, when it’s simply not the case. If you haven’t yet made travel buddies in a destination, it’s fine to just go it alone for a bit. One of my favourite things to do is eat by myself in a restaurant as it’s so easy to just go to a McDonald’s instead. Table service when you’re alone is so much better, but it’s probably because staff think you’re a critic/mystery shopper…”